Therapy with me

My therapeutic approach is holistic and personalised.

I am inspired by many rich fields of learning including psychology, somatics, spiritual philosophy, consciousness studies and neuroscience. My work is compassionate, and outcome-orientated, meaning that the goal is positive change, as defined by you, my clients.

Psychological symptoms (low self-esteem, anxiety, depression etc) as undesirable as they are, are seen as valuable clues and stimulus to change. The mystics and wisdom traditions of ancient times knew this, and modern psychology supports the notion that our emotional life is a map. The healing practice of psychotherapy provides a process through which we transform our suffering to create fulfilling, meaningful lives.  Our values and desire align.  When we open to our suffering with a compassionate heart, we can metabolise pain into something fruitful, or as the mystic poet Rumi so elegantly puts it:   

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”


Living in the modern world

The pace and demands of life can leave us feeling separated from our authentic nature - we can easily get lost in this world. We often call this poor mental health (depression, anxiety etc), but in reality, our mental health is a reflection of our alignment with our souls longing. If we cannot feel our soul moving through us, we become cut off from our deepest nature. This misalignment can manifest in physical and psychological symptoms.

I approach my work as a mystic and a scientist, and as someone deeply committed to relational healing.  Through attuning deeply with my clients, a safe container is created which becomes the crucible for change.

The therapeutic work pays attention to the stories we tell as well as feelings and the bodily sensations of experience - how we feel life through our body. So much of our personal material (the scripts we live our life by) is stored within the cells and tissues of the body.

“In order to change, people need to become aware of their sensations and the way that their bodies interact with the world around them. Physical self-awareness is the first step in releasing the tyranny of the past.”

Bessel Van Der Kolk

In working so closely with the body we become aware of how our bodies are in relationship with the world around us. We are of the earth and we belong to the earth. Your restoration of embodied wisdom deepens through gentle enquiry, mindfulness and the imaginal realm. We start to really feel what is going on in our lives with an open heart.